Thursday, August 9, 2007


All of us watched the Dark Thing slowly disappear, and the Medium claimed that it can be overcome. Mrs Whatsit told us she was once a star, who gave up her life by going nova. Mrs Whatsit told us that we are going to Camazotz, and I somehow did not like the sound of that name. It just sounded weird and to me, it symbolised something evil.

When we were whisked to Camazotz, Mrs Whatsit told us that my father was there but she herself could not stay with us. She said she was afraid, and gave the best wishes to the three of us, and they ordered us to go into the town and stay in a group. Charles was reminded not to be proud and arrogant. Then, we set off for the town.

In the town,Charles and I realised that the children in the town are all skipping and bouncing balls at the same time. Everything there was rhythmic. I couldn't understand how they could do it. Calvin did not like the situation very much (he could have already felt the evilness) and eagerly wanted to go back. But we spotted a boy who produced no particular rhythm in bouncing balls, and the ball suddenly dropped. Charles picked it up and tried to give it to the mother of the boy. The mother claimed that children in the town never drop balls.(Huh?) The boy grabbed the ball and went back into the house. Then, the strange thing is that when the door closed, so did the doors of other houses. I was utterly confused. What was going on around here? What are they afraid of? Confused, we entered the city.

We met a boy on the way, who told us that the city is the most oriented one on the planet, no trouble for centuries and the capital city of Camazotz. But he said something about a building called CENTRAL Central Intelligence Centre a being called IT. The way he said IT made me a little afraid about the city. Maybe he was evil too, like IT was at that time. As we went deeper into the city, we saw a skyscraper, taller than all the other buildings there. It was the CENTRAL Central Intelligence Centre the boy was talking about.

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