Thursday, August 2, 2007

Mrs Whatsit's house

That day, Calvin joined Charles and I to meet Mrs Whatsit. When I reached the house, I didn't stop by and think whether MrsWhatsit's house was really haunted, or not, even though it looked like and sounded like one. But I was partly afraid too, like many other children.

It appears the front door was locked, but Charles went to the back of the house, knocked the door there, and it opened. At that time, I let out a stifled shriek as I saw a large grey rat scuttled around the house. I guess that house was really haunted. No wonder why I was so frightened about this house.

As we entered the kitchen, I wondered why there was no smoke from the chimmey, although there was a huge with a big black pot full of something liquid. Then, we saw Mrs Who, and I remembered that she wearing a pair of enormous spectacles. Charles discussed with her for a brief period of time about Mrs Bumcombe's sheets. After that, Charles introduced me and Calvin to Mrs Who. She seemed glad to meet us. I guess witches aren't so bad after all.

As we exited the house, Charles wanted to go home quickly to eat dinner; Calvin accepted it, because he wanted to see my house.

When we all got back to the house, my mum was in the lab, and watching a substance(it had a pale, blue colour) as it moved from a beaker to a retort thorugh a tube. She expressed one of her concerns: she was afraid the Sandy and Dennys might some chemicals might get in the piece of stew, which was over a bunsen burner. She also explained to us that the family is only going to eat stew tonight.

Soon, we walked out of the lab and I led Calvin to the house. He asked an unusual question, "Do you know how lucky you are?"

I said, "Not most of the time."

Calvin explained that his mother was much uglier than my own mum, that's why he asked that question. But he said that he still loves his mother in anyway. Later, I showed him a picture of my father at Cape Canaveral. I joked a little about his hair to Calvin. Now I knew that I could possibly be those that were more privilged compared to others like Calvin.

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